Every Thursday I've got a four philosophy seminar/lecture. I like philosophy, it makes you think of the world differently. This is a response I've written to one of the topics we had today (13/10/2011).
What is the meaning of life?
This is a question philosophers and people have asked themselves from dawn of time. It's in the very nature of humans to question the world around them. What's the point? Why should I iron that shirt? Why should I go to uni? Why should I bother getting out of bed in the morning?
Matrix - Red: Disconnect from Matrix Blue: Stay put - Source: Warner Bros Inc. |
Is reality fundamentally one or is it many? That is a question that has been asked many times. Take the Matrix films. The theory of the world most humans grow up in is computer generated and exist only as part of clever programming. And that the real world is outside this. But then again, what determines what is real and what is not?
I would say the fact that I can see the world, that I can smell the different smells, that I can hear the sounds around. Basically the five senses. But when one dreams, doesn't one see, smell and hear too? What is there to say that the dream is a dream? Maybe the real world is a dream and the dream the real world.
We make a choice and either accept it or not. Simple as that. Humans base their choices on logic, moral and ethics. Most of us has the same "moral-code", but then you have the people that have a different view. Are they wrong or are we wrong? We classify someone mentally ill when their minds are much different from the general public. But think of this, the mentally ill will sometimes say they are sane and that in fact "we" are the crazy ones. The perception of reality is subjective.
Back to my original question;
What is the meaning of life?
Is it to become rich and buy the newest Audi? Or is to be happy and live life?
This is also something that is subjective. My meaning and plans are different from my friends, if not much, then in some degree.
Meaning with life to me is to be happy, live life, make a difference and be remembered. I chose this reality and accept it, even though it may give you a hard time some times. I wish to make my mark on the world, even if the mark is tiny. If I can help someone or make something that change something and/or someone, I get happy. Yes life is hard and I make bad choices all the time, but I also make good choices. This goes for all of us, in some degree or another.
"Live the life you love, so you can love the life you live."
Don't give up and stay put, it get's better. Sometimes the light in the end of that tunnel might seem so far away or it could be all black. If ever I felt lost, the great and amazing people around me turned on the light.
A great music video, with a stopmotion effect.
Today's song: One Republic - Good Life