Because I broke my leg, I had to cancel the shoot for both my films and I can't schedule new specific dates since I can't start before I've got the green light from my physiotherapist. Still, I have done some planning. I have sent out a newsletter to all the volunteers for my Discovery film.
The idea
My name is Tom-Daniel Laugerud and I’m a film student at
Swansea Metropolitan. Some of you might know me from the Discovery projects
“Circus eruption” and “Kids away”.
As part of my degree, I have to produce two films, one
external and one personal. I would like to make an infomercial for Discovery Charity, which could be used to recruit
new volunteers, get funding and more. And I need your help! Carry on reading to
see how.
– is the non-profit equivalent of a Commercial. There is not a profit goal.
The idea
As we all know, Discovery is made up by a large group of
incredible volunteers (and staff members), who dedicate their time to helping
others. Discovery volunteers also come from all over the world and from all
walks of life. I would like to showcase that.
Also Discovery has a wide variety of projects, everything
from working with vulnerable children and refugees to growing vegetables on the
farm. This would be nice to showcase.
We start with 10-20 seconds of general shots of
the different Discovery projects
We see a 10 seconds clip from an project where a
volunteer is working.
We cut to a close up of the volunteer where
he/she says “I’m a discoverer”
2. and 3. Is the repeated five times, BUT in different languages.
English and Welsh are of course given, but also try to show other languages
like Chinese, Indian, Spanish, Norwegian and many more.
After having repeated 2. and 3. five times, we
cut to a shot of all the volunteers/staff. This is shot high up, from the top a
building for example. As the camera is zooming out, the whole group shouts “WE ARE DISCOVERY!”
As one we are “discoverers” but together we are Discovery
(and we are stronger). That’s the basic idea. In the background, there will be
the appropriate music. The total running time for this infomercial would be no
more than 2 minutes.
How much time will
this take? Where will it be shot?
That’s the great thing. I will be travelling round to all
the amazing Discovery projects to film YOU. So basically if you volunteer for a
children’s projects and that’s on a Tuesday, I will be there that Tuesday. As
for the time it would take; no more than 15 minutes. The goal is to shoot in
March and present the finished product at the end of April.
What’s in it for me?
You will be helping Discovery grow, which will allow us to
do even more amazing work.
Where will this be
Discovery is free to use this to get more voluteers to join
Discovery. So this means volunteer fayres, on the Discovery website and similar
So if you can speak a different language, volunteer for
Discovery and got 15 minutes; I would love to hear from you!
If you are interested or have any questions, please email me
at xxx.
Kind regards,
Tom-Daniel Laugerud