Thursday 31 January 2013

Dissertation progress

Leg update: The pain has gone down, but I'm still not able to sit by my desk and work.

My dissertation is slowly getting there, slowly. This week has mostly been about reading and taking notes of potential. In my July post Dissertation progress I said I had changed it from the original one with Narnia and fiction film to documentary film, the Arab spring and citizen journalism. Now I'm thinking of changing it again. Because I've come to realise that the more relevant to my own personal desires for a career path, the better I can write. This should have been obvious to me from the start. In the summer I wrote about 2000 handwritten notes, bullet points etc. on this topic, so even though the deadline in the 8th of March, it will only be a matter of "unpacking" my notes and turning it into text.

I'm keeping the documentary and citizen journalism, but changing the Arab spring for a deep analysis of Michael Moore's Fahrenheit 9/11 (2004).


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